We find beauty in difference
By embracing nature’s differences we’re creating beautiful and sustainable limited editions, putting British nature and craftmanship at the heart of all we do.
Here’s how we do it..
It's important to us that you get to taste and experience the uniqueness of each honey as they're like snapshots in time, capturing the flowers, weather, landscape and bees that have influenced their taste, colour and texture at that particular moment..
Each jar captures this snapshot as it's only filled with honey that the beekeeper has spun from a single apiary and harvest and as a result is a totally unique honey that reflects a specific point in time.

Just as there’s a language to describe different wines, there’s one for honey too that gives us the words to describe their flavours and aromas. The words I find myself using most to describe honeys are citrus, dried fruits, jam, delicate or heady and floral, herbaceous like hay, toffee, butterscotch and spicy like cinnamon and Christmas!
Not only do the flavours vary, but you can also get a sort of baldness on your tongue or a mouth-watering feeling; both are due to having a different sugar composition reflecting the different nectars that make up each honey.
A top tip is to eat apple and smell yourself to re-calibrate your mouth and nose back to neutral in between tastings!
For H&K Lifestyle we buy one hide of leather, a shoulder, and use it all, producing a unique limited edition. I love seeing the blemishes and stretch marks in the leather, a hint of our cow’s time in the field, and a life we’ll celebrate by embracing it’s natural imperfections!
Ours is an unusual approach to leather work, as most brands only accept ‘perfect’ leather for their products, which means cutting out all the natural variation that makes a hide characterful and unique. It’s a huge waste, and a shame

Jason uses a plant-based cream and a natural gel to buff the leather and protect it, just like we would to moisturise our skin! Like our skin the leather will age and darken as its melanin tans in the sunlight giving each leather product their own unique and naturally different patina and character.
We use a linen thread for the stitching which is so much more sustainable than using cotton, and in bright colours it looks great.
For H&K Lifestyle we use wool from Jacob, Welsh Black and Shetland Moorit sheep for our throws. We love playing with the natural colours of their fleeces to make the patterns in our undyed throws.
The wool has come from the British Wool Council, a collective owned by 35,000 British sheep farmers that collects, grades, markets and sells British wool. Our throws are ade form Shetland-grade wool.
The wool for our tweed cushions is Shetland too, but this time directly from sheep kept on the Shetland Isles, just like these in the photo. Their colours too are so varied, always soft and muted but with such variation.