Our honey subscriptions are perfect for those who enjoy discovering honeys straight from small scale British beekeepers delivered straight to their door. Here's how it works:
- Limited edition British honeys from small scale beekeepers
- Size of jars: 224g / 8oz
- Delivery: Every 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 months, you choose
- Number of jars each delivery: 1, 2, 3 or 4 you choose
- Free postage and the story of the beekeepers
- We email you information about each honey too.
We promise: We only work with British small scale beekeepers and the bees that they keep in their gardens, woodlands and fields across the UK. We visit them all, and promise it's honey you can trust.
We promise: All our honeys are limited editions, usually with less than 750 jars produced of a particular honey you'll be very special indeed!
We promise: You’ll be amazed at how different each one is, because even bees in neighbouring gardens and fields will make completely different honeys – despite living close by.
Our Honey Club gift subscriptions are popular gifts - especially for the hard to buy for!
The Honey Club gift subscription is a pre-paid subscription for 3,6 or 12 months. WE then send the lucky recipient their honey every month for the allotted time.
We're always happy to help so don't be shy in asking if things are possible!
Every 50 new subscribers that join our Club, means we can support one more small scale British beekeeper and bring you their honeys too.
It's incredibly hard for British beekeepers to make a living from just honey. So many run training courses, breed queen bees to sell or have 2nd jobs (or all 3!) as well.
We are pleased to be supporting hobby and small scale beekeepers and appreciate all they and their bees do for us and our environment.